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HomepoliticiansAmos Ndanyi Akasa Profile: Meet Ex-Rosemary Odinga Husband

Amos Ndanyi Akasa Profile: Meet Ex-Rosemary Odinga Husband

The name Amos Ndanyi Akasa doesn’t ring a bell among many Kenyans. For the uninitiated, he was the husband of ODM leader Raila Odinga’s daughter Rosemary Odinga. They tied the knot in a colorful ceremony held on December 5, 2005 at the Kenya Commercial Bank Training Institute in Karen, Nairobi

Here is his story as told by WoK.

How They Met

The first born child of Raila Odinga met her lover Amos Ndanyi in the US where they were both students pursuing their postgraduate studies. At the time, both were masters students. 


Amos Ndanyi Akasais the last born child of Maurice Akasa, a long serving civil servant and Phoebe Akas. 

The Wedding Ceremony

This was by far the wedding of the year attended by former and current presidents. Raila, then the Roads and Public Works minister, and his wife Ida glowed in matching wear.

Those in attendance included the late President Daniel arap Moi, former President Mwai Kibaki. Other powerful leaders who graced the event were the current Kitui governor Charity Ngilu, Amos Kimunya, the late Simeon Nyachae, Anyang’ Nyong’o, Kalonzo Musyoka, Raphael Tuju, Musalia Mudavadi and the current President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta. 

Master Of Ceremony and Entertainers

The master of ceremony was Kwendo Opanga assisted by PLO Lumumba. The guests were entertained by Achieng’ Abura and comedian Walter Nyambane. 


The sumptuous food was prepared by renowned German Hotelier Mr Rolf Smith Schmiol. The number of bulls slaughtered were two weighing 260 and 275 kilograms, 25 lambs, 350 chicken, 500 fish, 350 kilograms of beef stew and 50 kilograms of green vegetables. 


According to multiple online sources, the couple went separate ways in 2013. They have a daughter together.