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Famous Kenyan Politicians Who are Second Wives

In 2014, the law allowing men in the country to marry more than one wife was signed and ascended into law. This legalised polygamy, a practice that had long been practiced in the country.

Initially men would marry second wives, who were not recognised by the law.

Prior passing the law, members of parliament threw out a section of the law that required first wives to give consent to any man seeking to marry another wife.

In the country today, a number of female politicians are second wives. Whownskenya.com, looks at some of these lawmakers.

Margaret Kamar

She is the incumbent senator for Uasin Gishu County. Kamar was married to the late former Cabinet Minister Nicholas Biwott.

In 2017, the politician lifted the lid on her relationship with the former President Daniel Arap Moi righthand man.

The university lecturer-turned politician introduced her co-wife Hannie Biwott to the people, and recognised her as the matriarch of the Biwott family. Kamar thanked her for taking care of their husband during his younger days.

On her CV and online pages, the senator had named the late formal cabinet minister as her husband though they were never seen together in public.

Also Read: Rita Field-Marsham: The Daughter Of Nicholas Biwott Who Declined Inheritance From Her Father

Mary Wambui

Mary Wambui grabbed national headlines when it was alleged that she was a wife to former President Mwai Kibaki.

The former Head of State and his late wife, Mama Lucy Kibaki, called a press conference in which he stated that he only had one wife.

Despite the public denial, people close to Mzee Kibaki stated that the two had been a couple.

It was also alleged that the former Othaya MP and former President Kibaki have a child together, Mary Wangui.

Esther Passaris

The Nairobi City County Woman Representative in 2016 revealed that she was in a polygamous marriage.

“I am in a polygamous setup and it’s not something that I am proud of, neither is it something that I am ashamed of; you kinda learn to balance the two, this is the situation that I’m in and I’ve got to accept it,” she said while appearing on an interview on KTN.

Famous Kenyan Politicians Who are Second Wives
Collage imager of Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris and her husband Pius Ngugi. |Photo| Courtesy|

She is a second wife to billionaire farmer Pius Ngugi. He is the founder of Kenya Nuts Company, the largest macadamia nuts exporter in the country. He also owns Thika Coffee Mills.

Ngugi’s is also married to Josephene Wambui Ngugi and they have children together. The billionaire and Passaris have a daughter together as well.

Also Read: Pius Ngugi: The Billionaire Esther Passaris Took To Court For Breaching A Promise To Marry Her

Sabina Chege

The Murang’a Woman Representative is married to former Kenya Dairy Board boss Gathitu Maina.

In the aftermath of the 2017 general elections, she caused a stir online after she showed up with her husband to collect her election certificate.

The move was misinterpreted by netizens who alleged that it would pit the two businessman’s wives against each other.

Chege had in the past been linked with late Kikuyu Benga musician John DeMathew. Sabina had featured in one of his most popular songs, Njata Yakwa (My Star).

Also Read: Sabina Chege Biography, Age, Education, Family and Career

Cate Waruguru

The Laikipia Woman Representative during a past interview on KTN revealed her relationship with layer William Kigen.

She told off critics during the interview, stating that she had no apologies for being a second wife and maintained she loves her husband and he is the man she wants to be with.

“You will realize that I am better off if I know this is the man that I want to be with. I would like anybody to challenge me and tell me whether I am cast to go to hell because I am married as the second wife.

“Somebody else’s husband is their husband within the confines of their home. Mzee ni wako kwa boma akishatoka, take care of yourself and choose what you want. The constitution allows it,” she stated.