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HomeWealthJimi Wanjigi: How I Met My Wife When I Was In My...

Jimi Wanjigi: How I Met My Wife When I Was In My 30s

Billionaire businessman turned politician Jimmy Wanjigi has has disclosed how he met his wife, Irene Nzisa Wanjigi.

In an interview with TUKO, the tycoon disclosed that he first met his wife during a birthday party of a mutual friend.

Wanjigi also disclosed that they have been married for 25 years.

“We met at a birthday party of a mutual friend of ours. We’ve now been married for 25 years so we’re having our silver anniversary this year,” Wanjigi said.

The businessman recalled his first encounter with Nzisa, noting that he knew he had found a wife having been in his 30s.

Also Read: Jimmy Wanjigi Biography: The Controversial Billionaire Plotting To Take Raila’s Place

“We met, she’s younger than I am but I can tell you that when I saw her, I knew I had found my wife. I was then in my early 30s and I had been struggling. I knew I wanted to get married but I had not found the person and it was literally love at first sight… I knew she was my wife,” he said.

Wanjigi disclosed that after the party, he later invited Nzisa for a date where they caught up shortly before kicking off their relationship.

“…I looked for her a few days later and our date which was organized by the same birthday boy at the time we just held hands and we knew it. Six months later we were engaged and a year later we were married,” he said.

He also heaped praises on his wife whom they share two kids; Maina Wanjigi and Wambui Wanjigi who study at Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland.

“She is a loving and caring wife. I love her dearly and she loves me dearly. We have two lovely kids and I believe we have given them good confidence and love on top of that, she is a top believer in family like I am,” Wanjigi said.

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In November 2021, Wanjigi recalled how his wife saved him from the police in a 2017 incident when police raided his palatial home in Muthaiga, Nairobi.

The tycoon who was then allied to the National Super Alliance (NASA), claimed President Uhuru Kenyatta, their then-rival, sent over 100 police officers to his house to arrest him.

The politician praised his wife saying, she was very calm and took charge during the three days police had put his house under siege.

“Do you see this beautiful lady here (Nzisa), when police raided my house, she took charge and protected me. She hid me downstairs and calmly handled the police, for the three days the police were there, they never found me,” recounted Wanjigi.