Bishop Allan Kiuna, the founder of Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) is dead.
His death was confirmed by his close friend and fellow pastor Franklin Mugisha.
“My Bishop. Allan Kiuna, leader revered for his influential role as the co-founder and senior pastor of Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) in Nairobi, has passed away on to heaven God i was Expecting you back to church God you know batter.” Mugisha said.
Kiuna for years has been battling cancer.
He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma Cancer in 2018.
According to him, he spent KSh 460 million for treatment in the United States.
“For the one year that I was in the US, my treatment cost 3 million dollars (KSh 460 million). And I did not remove one coin from my pocket because the God of heaven provided,” Kiuna was quoted.
JCC church whose congregants read like who is who in Kenya.
The church is jam-packed every Saturday and Sunday with eager worshippers whose hunger for prosperity is fed by the Kuinas’ twisted gospel.
Women, clocking their 30s and still single, find solace here.
According to reports appearing on the interwebs, the impressionable women are made to believe they will find Mr Right if only they tithe some more.
Unlike their contemporaries-the Kanyari et al-, the Kiunas imbue finesse as they preach with so much gusto the gospel of prosperity attracting a more sophisticated and moneyed class of worshippers.
Their church has grown to be one of the most successful in Kenya.
The couple’s repeated account of their journey to the top is inspiring not peppered with a few half-truths.