In 2019, teachers boycotted marking the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination citing poor pay. The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) promised to review payments to avert a delay in releasing results. Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) proposed an increase of Sh50 per script, citing present harsh economic conditions.
KUPPET had argued that papers like, Chemistry paper 1, Mathematics and English paper one should be paid not less than Sh100.
The payment rates for 2021 KCSE markers range between Sh51 and Sh58. Each subject has its own payment, for example:
Business paper 2 is Sh56 per sheet, unlike before when it was Sh46.
Biology paper three is Sh50 per script
Computer paper 1 is Sh54 per script.
Flat Rate proposal
Earlier on, KUPPET had given KNEC a 7-day ultimatum to increase the payment rates of all KNEC examiners to a flat rate of Sh100, meaning all subjects would have been paid for the same amount. However, this was not done and the amount one gets depends on the subject.
Apart from this, below are the rates earned by supervisors, invigilators and drivers among others:
Supervisors within Nairobi and Mombasa are paid 695/= per day for 18 days (Sh12,510) while those in other areas are paid 630/= per day (Sh11,340).
Invigilators from Nairobi and Mombasa earn 510/= per day for 18 days while those from other regions get 460/=
Principals get 500/= per day for 18 days (Sh9,000)
Security officers earn 420/= per day
Drivers earn a total of Sh6,480
Teachers marking the 2020 KCSE examination at State House Girls centre protested the decision to cut their allowances by a half. The teachers allowances were pegged at Ksh20,000 before being slashed to Ksh10,000 citing the covid situation. The KNEC was to pay the teachers in advance but have failed prompting the teachers to down their tools.

“Since we came here, we have not received any single pay. We were told due to the current Covid situation, the allowances have been cut by half to Sh10,000,” a teacher told the Standard.