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Ethan: Profile Of 3 Year ‘Genius Baby’, Able To Name All Kenyan Leaders Including MCAs

In the quaint village of Kahumbu, located in Murang’a County, Kenya, resides an extraordinary three-and-a-half-year-old prodigy named Ethan Mercy Muthoni. Despite his tender age, Ethan has astounded the nation with his exceptional memory and profound knowledge of Kenyan politicians.

His remarkable ability to recall names and details has earned him the endearing moniker of “Genius Baby.” His astounding talent has garnered widespread attention and admiration, leading to generous rewards and support from well-wishers. 

Here is his story as told by WoK.

Who is Baby Ethan?

The three-year-old boy has taken social media by storm with his incredible ability to name Kenyan politicians and government officials.

Born to Mercy Muthoni, who works and lives in Githurai, Ethan’s journey as an intellectual prodigy has captivated the hearts and minds of many, offering a glimpse into a future brimming with promise.

Mercy, who resides in Githurai, does casual jobs such as hairdressing and laundry.

How It All Began

The remarkable story of Ethan’s genius began when he lived in close proximity to his grandfather during the intense campaign period leading up to the 2021-2022 general elections.

Intrigued by the spirited atmosphere surrounding the politicians, Ethan’s inquisitive nature flourished as he observed the campaign rallies and grew fascinated by the political figures. 

His insatiable curiosity and remarkable memory quickly became evident, prompting his family to recognize and nurture his extraordinary talent, encouraging him to explore and expand his knowledge further.

Ethan’s First Viral Video and Recognition:

His remarkable talent first came to light when a video showcasing his encyclopedia knowledge of politicians in Kenya circulated on social media platforms.

From the President to Members of the County Assembly (MCA), Ethan effortlessly named them all. His exceptional memory and intellect captivated the nation, and he soon became a viral sensation, leaving many in awe of his abilities.

The Extraordinary Interview

Ethan’s extraordinary abilities catapulted him into the national spotlight when he was invited for an interview on Kameme FM, a popular radio station. During the interview, he faced a formidable challenge—naming politicians from Kenya and beyond. 

Astonishingly, without hesitation, Ethan flawlessly recited the names of MCAs, MPs, governors, women representatives, and even presidents from African nations such as Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda, as well as leaders from countries outside Africa, including the United States and France. 

His impeccable memory and expansive knowledge left the audience and radio hosts in awe, affirming his status as a true genius.

The Discovery of Ethan’s Remarkable Memory

Ethan’s incredible journey began when he lived in close proximity to his grandfather during the 2021-2022 general elections campaigns. Fascinated by the politicians and the excitement they generated, Ethan’s inquisitive nature thrived. His family quickly recognized his extraordinary memory and decided to nurture and encourage his unique gift.

Ethan’s Unforgettable Interview

In a recent interview with Kameme FM, Ethan’s genius memory was put to the test. He was challenged on air to name various politicians, both within Kenya and outside the country, and to everyone’s astonishment, he flawlessly named them all. From MCAs, MPs, governors, and women representatives in Kenya to presidents of African countries like Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda, and even leaders from countries like the USA and France, Ethan’s recall was impeccable.

A Dream of Education and Future Ambitions

Despite his tender age, Ethan already aspires to study medicine and pursue advanced studies at esteemed institutions such as Harvard University. Mercy, recognizing her son’s exceptional abilities, appeals for support to provide him with the best educational opportunities that can nurture his prodigious talent. 

She believes that by enrolling her son in a school that can recognize and cultivate his genius, he will have the foundation to excel and make a significant impact in his chosen field.

Mercy’s Plea for Support

Mercy Muthoni, a dedicated mother, works diligently as a hairdresser and also takes on casual jobs like door-to-door laundry services. Understanding the significance of education in unlocking Ethan’s potential, she humbly pleads for support from well-wishers to help provide him with the means to attend a school that can nurture his exceptional talent.

The Well-Wishers’ Surprise

Ethan’s exceptional talents and heartwarming story touched the hearts of many well-wishers. On May 23, a group of generous individuals came together to surprise Ethan with special gifts. 

Philanthropist Karangu Muraya presented Ethan with a brand new bicycle, while Simon Kabu from Bonfire Adventures granted Ethan and his mother an unforgettable trip. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Ethan eagerly mounted his new bicycle, and his excitement for the upcoming trip was palpable.

The Support of Former MP Mercy Wanjiku Gakuya

Former Kasarani Member of Parliament, Mercy Wanjiku Gakuya, also recognized Ethan’s extraordinary potential. Committed to nurturing his talents, Gakuya pledged to sponsor Ethan’s education until he completes his schooling.

Looking Towards the Future

With aspirations to study medicine and pursue advanced studies at prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, Ethan’s journey as a young prodigy has only just begun. His remarkable abilities and unwavering passion for learning hold immense promise for his future endeavors. 

As Ethan continues to grow and develop, his story serves as an inspiration to others, igniting a collective belief in the power of curiosity, education, and support in unlocking the limitless potential within each child.

The nation eagerly anticipates the extraordinary achievements that Ethan will undoubtedly accomplish as he embarks on his remarkable journey through life.