This has been one of the best performing schools in academics and sports. The current Chief Principal is William K Kemei who took over from William Mwangi in 2017. Before joining Lenana School, Mr Kemei was the Principal of Paul Boit High School in Uasin Gishu.

He went on to win the Eldoret West Principal of the Year (POYA) Award courtesy of his good performance while he was at the helm of Paul Boit High School.
Board of management

The school board of management chairman is Dr. S. R. Ndegwa. The school BOM consists of 14 members who have been appointed by the County Board of Education under instruction from the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education. The members represent the following interests and stakeholders in the School: the Parents Association (6 members nominated by the PA); the School Sponsors (3); Special Interests – the Laibons (1); Representative of persons with special needs (1); Teachers’ representative (1); Student Representative (1 – Student Council Chair – ex-offico); and the County Education Board (1). The BoM elects a Chair and a Deputy Chair, with the Chief Principal as the Secretary. The BoM members are appointed for a three year term but often the appointments are announced months after the previous BoM term has expired.
The Parents’ Association of Lenana School Dr. Matibe Obongo.