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Pauline Njoroge: How I Fearlessly Went To Then President Moi’s Kabarnet Gardens Home To Ask Him For Fees

Pauline Njoroge (born on 14, Sept 1985) describes herself as a young Kenyan passionate about the youths and politics. She is an avid believer in African integration and pan-Africanism. Owing to this, she has been invited to cover high level meetings including: 

  • African Union summits. 
  • United Nations General Assembly in New York
  • Belt and Road Forum in Beijing 
  • G7 Summit 2018 in Quebec, Canada. 

On 12th December 2017, she received the Head of State Commendation for her outstanding service to the nation. 

Here is her story as told by WoK,

Pauline Njoroge Education

She personifies resilience and that never die spirit bereft in most Kenyan youths. After her O-levels at Moi Girls Kamangu, she faced the uncertainty of ever attending college.

Pauline Njoroge did not have any money on her or a sponsor to support further her education and that’s how she ended up at former president Daniel arap Moi address, the Kabarnet Gardens.

She fearlessly asked GSU officers manning the gate that she wanted to see the President so that she could share her plight with him.

A post she authored on her blog titled My Education Journey-A Story of Pain and Hope’ reads in part: 

One day in 2006, desperate to find someone to support me continue with my education, I went to Karbanet Gardens. Former president Moi had educated my late mum back in the day and I was sure if I got a chance to see him and tell him my story, he would support my education too.

And so I arrived at Kabarnet Gardens, fearlessly approached the GSU Officers at the gate and told them why I needed to see mzee. They made a call to the house, and on the landline I talked to a lady who told me to write to Moi Foundation and request for a sponsorship. I thought that was a long shot, I would never get help.

She did not get to see the strongman but that did not dim her hopes of joining university. She applied to join Catholic University and was admitted in January 2007.

She had only Ksh10,000 which was given to her by a church and a balance of Ksh75,000 to clear before the end of the semester. Unfortunately, the blogger could not raise the balance and was forced to discontinue her studies. 

Two years later, a friend gave her Ksh100,000 that enabled her to join Mt. Kenya University. She was able to pay her own fees by the time she was in her second year at the institution. 

Here are the institution she attended:

Secondary School

Moi Girls Kamangu


Catholic University

Mt. Kenya University

University of Nairobi (Institute of Diplomacy and International studies)-Masters in International Studies 

Early Life

Pauline Njoroge was born and raised in Githiga village in Kiambu county. Having spent her early years with her maternal grandmother, she learned to pick coffee at a young age.

She then joined her parents in Nairobi but her mother died when she was 10 years forcing her to go back to the village. 

After her O-levels, she did odd jobs to make ends meet. Pauline was struggling to raise university fees.

She joined the American Reference Center Library run by the US Embassy in Nairobi. At the facility, she read a number of books on politics and governance and this is where she discovered Facebook.

The 38 year old has since built her social media following and boasts more than 130k followers on Facebook and more than 40k on Twitter. This platform made her a household name and attention from political bigwigs. 

Pauline Njoroge Career

In 2010, she founded and became the executive director of Eagles Leadership Foundation. The foundation works towards promoting the voices of the youths in policy making and governance affairs. 

In 2013, she was an active campaigner for The National Alliance (TNA) party where she also worked as a communications manager. She was also a very strong supporter of the Jubilee party in 2017.

In one of her post, Pauline claimed Raila knew he would lose that was why he was visiting the UK instead of campaigning. In the 2022 Succession Politics, however, she seems to support Raila Odinga due to his strong views of women leadership. 

“He is LISTENING to them, and actively engaging them because to achieve AZIMIO LA UMOJA, women must be part of the discussion,” read part of her recent tweet. 

In September 2013, the blogger was appointed as a Communications Specialist for NEPAD/ APRM Kenya Secretariat. This is a semi autonomous state agency under the National Treasury and Planning. 

In the role, she has used various communication platforms to create awareness and engage the public on programs being engaged in by the secretariat at the country level. She has also been actively involved in engaging stakeholders and development partners towards creating a united front in providing support to various priority projects. 

Tourism Board

In August 2020, Pauline was gazetted as a  board member of the Tourism Regulatory Board. 

Shortly after her appointment, former Tourism CS Najib Balala revoked it saying the ministry does not want to be associated with such people. This is after Kenyans online posted screenshots of a post where she questioned the importance of the Nairobi National Park.

In the post, she said the national park land could do more if it was converted to something else. She also said besides the glamorous title of it being the only National Park in a capital city, it did nothing else for the country. 

“The orphanage and the nature walk make economic sense…But the park?! It does not make sense that in a congested city like Nairobi we can afford to have acres and acres of land in the name of a park. The city is literally bursting at the seams with people… We even have to hold discussions on re-routing the SGR so as to  save a park that is economically redundant,” read part of her long post. 

The Tourism CS said that the integrity of the park is very important and the government was committed to saving it. He further said he was unaware of her sentiments thanking netizens for their background check.

Pauline Njoroge On Losing Her Twins

The blogger shared her painful journey to losing her twins in a long post on Facebook on Mother’s day. Here is the post: