The reported overweight cases in Kenya have been on an all time upward trajectory and rose from 60,878 individuals in 2016 to 109,659 in 2018. The trend further rose to 169,812 people in 2020, according to a report that appeared on the Standard.
Most medics use the Basal Mass Index (BMI) to determine if one is overweight or obese. To calculate your BMI, you simply divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. For example, if you’re 65 kg and 1.65m tall, your BMI is calculated as: 65/1.65² which gives 23.8 kg/m².
A healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. With a BMI of 25 to 29.9, one is considered overweight and obese when the BMI is 30 and above.
For many people suffering obesity, the desire to lose weight has always been at the top of their resolutions given the health risks they always face. Prominent people in Kenya have also not been left behind in this journey to get fit.
WOK lists those who have successfully weathered the obesity storm.
Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir
The Mvita member of parliament, currently eyeing the Mombasa county top seat has transformed from a man with a sagging tummy to a lean younger looking individual.
According to Nassir, he decided to take the natural route rather than go for surgery. With a well thought about plan, he fixed his plate and consistently took to the gym.
The unflinching MP who takes pride in shedding over 45 kilos advice to people intending to lose weight is simple: “There is no product that can outsmart your own mind and self-determination.
Nassir is currently a gym enthusiastic and says he trains in various destinations he travels to globally. So determined is the 48 year old that he is sometimes forced to hit the gym during lunch breaks in parliament.
Eric Amunga
Eric Amunga, is a self-proclaimed ‘boychild defender’ and has gained popularity over his advocacy for prevention of lifestyle diseases through eating healthy foods, functional workouts and intermittent fasting.
According to the medic who attends to clients in his Bungoma clinic, he was once obese and weighed 117 kilograms. His excessive weight led to a myriad of life-threatening implications such as high blood sugar levels, rising blood pressure, back pains and diminished sexual performance. His BMI once stood at 43.
Amerix resorted to consulting endocrinologists as he widely read numerous journals to figure out the way forward.
Through what he terms as trilogy of fat loss, he embraced 3 things: quitting processed carbohydrates, modifying behavior and gym workouts.
Amerix currently weighs around 65-68 kilograms and has since resorted to help people in achieving weight loss naturally and reverting hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2 and obesity.
Senator Cleophas Malala
The sight of Cleophas Malala donning a jungle green T-shirt struggling to contain his protruded belly during the 2017 ‘resist’ campaigns is now history. The senator, currently eyeing the Kakamega gubernatorial seat is now lean and fit.

The measures Malala took to lose weight are not in the public domain but a little bird whispered to this source that he religiously attended a gym located in Masinde Muliro University in Kakamega. Being a close friend to Amerix whom they previously worked together when coaching drama in various secondary school, one can guess other channels that Malala took.
Johnson Sakaja

When he joined politics by spearheading the election of President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2013, Sakaja’s weight was literally off the balance.
Read also:Johnson Sakaja Biography, Age, Education, Career, Family and Awards
The youthful politician, currently going for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat previously revealed that he shed 24 kgs through cutting down alcohol intake and watching his diet.
In an interview with a local radio station, Sakaja said: “Diet is very important, just reduce the quantities of carbohydrates, add healthy foods then work out.
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